About Lahiri Studios

I'm Chris Lahiri, and I'm a user experience designer.
The beginning of my exploration in human factors certainly wasn't called that. I was an "interactive designer" in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where a little ad agency, Steam Advertising and Design (now Phire Branding Company) launched my career in the interactive arts back in 2000. In 2003 I helped win the agency some awards, including a Silver National Addy, second place in over 65,000 other digital and traditional entries across the US. I didn't really know what that implied for a while, until I finally put my portfolio together and made my way out of my home town.
It's been about, oh, over 20 years now. I'm a father's rights activist and dad to an awesome kid. I've had the priviledge of working with over 30 unique, Fortune 500 brands. More importantly, in that time I've collaborated with some really amazing people across the US while engaging with just about every side of the product development process. Little ol' me, originally a small-town kid from the Midwest. Pretty cool eh? As it's said, if you can dream it, you can do it.

So what can I dream and do for you? I'm a UX designer and researcher on the technical end of things, as well as a creative director, art director and visual designer to speak the language of digital marketing agencies. Other roles I've filled have been that of a storyboard artist, copywriter and motion graphics designer/programmer. Outside of my professional skill set, I'm a classically trained pianist and violinist. The musical side has really come in handy for conceptualizing and editing audio in my multimedia work. Among other skills in my design arsenal, my passion is
complex scene compositing for interactive. From backdrops for world-class supercars, to futuristic cityscapes, I have the most fun exploring lighting, depth and other aspects of realism with painstaking attention to detail.
Over the last few years I've had a career transition, which has engaged me in the capacity of a UX researcher and achieved my Nielsen Norman Group certification. If anything I'm always learning. I'm also a serious computer geek, adapting very quickly to technological innovations that help my workflow. I possess intermediate skills in web programming far beyond the expected competencies of the average designer, and I'm familiar with SEO techniques, Google Analytics and AdWords.
I'm currently looking for opportunties in mobile UX, residential IoT and game design. Think you could use me or any of my other highly talented colleagues? Contact me at the links above! I'd love to hear from you!